I love to use really good devotionals with my children. But, to take this prestigious place of Bible time, they have to be really good. If they’re too fluffy, I don’t hesitate to send them sailing across the room to the nearest garbage can. I simply don’t have time enough with my children to waste on fluffy times learning about God.
Karen Andreola recently sent me a review gift of two devotionals that have passed the test and made it to the hard-earned spots on my bookshelf.
Both books, written by Bob Schultz, are meant to be read with boys. Best case scenario, dad and son(s) go through these together. However, I read through them with my son (and oftentimes my teenage daughter was hanging out with us, too) simply because this is what I wanted to use for morning devo time, which happens to be when Dad is at work.
They are recommended for boys from about 10-18, but I found Boyhood and Beyond to be a little easier than Created for Work. Both follow the same general layout of 3-4 pages that include a real-life story tied into a character trait or Bible story, with practical examples tied-in. There are always a Bible verse and quote to consider, as well as 4-5 thought-provoking discussion questions.
I love that the topics are so geared to keep the attention of boys! Hunting, hiking and hot air balloon trips really connect with preteen and teenage boys. Each book contains more than 30 devotions that are time well-spent!
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