Every season of homeschooling is unique.
Also, every child we homeschool is different.
In families with multiple children, each kid holds their own likes and dislikes. Not to mention, they have strengths and weaknesses. Even our parenting might feel challenged in new ways by each child!
But, homeschooling can shine here friends.
We can take a moment to notice what seems helpful to our student. Even if we’ve never tried that way or this curriculum before.
As a veteran homeschool Mom (21 years!), I choose to live by this important advice:
Notice. Pay Attention. See what works. What worked before may not again. Try new things.
So when Night Zookeeper offered to review their online writing program, I took the chance. Why?
Because, my youngest child thrives academically with online games! I was compensated for time to review the product. Please see our disclosure policy. I also feel grateful for this addition to my child’s English studies.
Let me tell you why…
Introduction to Night Zookeeper Online Writing
In the past, I declined working too much with online learning.
Our homeschooling includes lots and lots of books and reading. That said, we also complete a fair amount of writing. I noticed my 12 year old enjoying the process of creative writing…
…But, remembering to add things which make a story fantastic sometimes fell by the wayside!
I tried my usual methods to support him: adjective lists, transition words lists, jingles, songs and more. This helped a little. However, it wasn’t very enjoyable for either of us.
Then, we tried Night Zookeeper two different times.
And the rest is history (well, at least I feel really hopeful)!
Night Zookeeper approaches reading and writing by teaching helpful skills. Through online challenges and games, kids ages 6-12 practice grammar, vocabulary, and spelling for their level. Reading comprehension practice is also included. Details like capitalization are offered attention.
Check out the free 7-day trial to this online writing program HERE. <— (pssst…Use this link for 50% off your annual subscription. A sweet, sweet deal). There are over 1,000 games and activities in this platform!
Your Child and Night Zookeeper
My child seems really motivated by Night Zookeeper’s approach.
He began by creating a zookeeper avatar and drawing his own animal (which can be done multiple times). This creature then showed up in his first story (or sentence) practice.
Night Zookeeper offers LIVE feedback. As your child writes, the program evaluates and shares what goals still need met.
For example, a goal for my child’s skill level might be: include two adjectives. If he forgets, Night Zookeeper reminds him. In addition, a story can be saved as a draft to finish later. But, a story cannot be submitted for publication or to a tutor until all goals are met!
Did you catch this?
Your child’s story can receive feedback!
Night Zookeeper’s tutors share positive encouragement. They offer tips on things like spelling or punctuation. They highlight the good progress a student makes.
Parents and Night Zookeeper Online Writing
That said, the platform definitely puts YOU in charge as parent.
In the parent dashboard, feel free to adjust skill levels. Watch how your child moves through games and achievements. Check out messages from tutors. You can also set your child’s work to remain private.
The choice lies with you.
Night Zookeeper gives you a full-color PDF Parent Guide when you enroll. Every detail of how the program works is laid out. For example, screenshots, step-by-step instructions and more come your way.
Use the program for one child or multiple — family memberships make things handy and you can receive 50% off an annual subscription by using THIS LINK). Remember, begin with the 7-day trial if helpful. You have nothing to lose.
Like our family, you may also gain a whole lot of fun into your homeschooling!
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